Also had a weekend of outings: my family took me to the Badger hockey game, dinners and lunches at interesting places. I was actually starting to feel pretty normal, if a little slow still.
When you carry a cane, people pay attention. You get the first seat on the bar bus to the hockey game. The security guys at the gate don't care about what's in your bag. People in the grocery store give you a wide berth. I used to be self conscious, but I'm past all that personal esteem/concern.
Then there's bathrooms. Most public places have a handicapped rest room -- usually this works OK, but can get interesting depending on where they place the safety rails. Then, at our lake house, all the commodes are ancient -- and low; the only one I could use was in the remodeled basement (a long trip at night).
I'm hoping in another week my backside won't be so sore and I'll begin to work through some of these restrictions for more practical applications. Beginning a return to my exercise program -- stationary bike-- is helping. But two miles in 30 minutes is no record.
While my concentration and ability to begin to get back to work are gaining, progress is still slow. This is the greatest frustration. I'm trying to bite off small, finite projects, in an effort to get going again. Some mornings, though, my eyes just glaze over when I sit down at the computer....