Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The day after

So, it feels like I'm in a long tunnel, but I can see a smidge of light down there at the end.

I've been ambulating all day and feeling pretty confident. My body tells me I've had surgery. The spinal block is gone now. I can feel the hardware -- more the length of the stem than the hip socket. Weird. But, it all seems very stable and full weight bearing is OK. 

As I anticipated/feared, I've been in someone else's control since I got here. Getting dressed/undressed. Putting on/off a knee immobilizer while I'm in bed. Dealing with footwear (thought I'd brought my loosest shoes, but not loose enough -- poor nurses). Trundling along to/from the bathroom. Nursing staff has been tremendously sensitive -- giving me private moments whenever they can while assuring my safety. I have to admit, my ability to stand up and move around is great -- this was my biggest unknown.
This afternoon at home, home care staff will "walk" me through my daily regimen. I'd arranged for nursing staff to come am's and therapy pm's. Fortunately, then I should be  organized and set up for safety around the house -- and independent activities.

Now the injected pain med is starting to wear off. My thanks go out to the nurse for encouraging me to take more oral pain meds than I'd planned (usually 1/4 dose -- now up to 1/2).

I count myself very fortunate. The experience makes me pray for all those people out there who are so much sicker than I am.

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